FAQs - Rate Plans

  1. How do I know what rate plan is tied to a product for usage?
  2. How do I add an exception rate for an account?
  3. How do I setup US to International Rate plans?
  4. How do I add a new rate to an existing International Plan?
  5. How do I setup Non-US to Non-US International Rate plans?
  6. How do I override the DA charge on a rate plan?


How do I know what rate plan is tied to a product for usage?

Find the product using the products inventory or by looking up the specific customer that product is tied to. Look at any active rate plans attached to that product. There could be a plan record for each type.

Some examples include:

  • Long Distance
  • Inbound
  • Local

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How do I add an exception rate for an account?

To add an exception rate for an entire account, simply bring up the customer in TBS and go to the Bill Setup tab for the customer.

Once there, click edit at the bottom of the page. There is a drop down at the top of the window labeled Exception Code. Select the desired exception code from the list and click Save at the bottom of the screen.

Clicking the Exception Code link to the left of the drop down will also open a new screen that can be used to see the specific rates that are tied to each exception code. Exception codes can also be added on a line by line basis by opening the desired line in TBS, clicking edit at the top, selecting the rate plan from the drop down in the middle of the page, and clicking save at the top.

In the event that there is an exception code selected for the account (on the bill setup tab), and one on a line on the account also, the exception code on the line will take priority for that line.

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How do I setup US to International Rate plans?

International rates consist of thousands of records.

You can view existing plans here Setup -> Products -> Rates -> Long Distance Rates -> International Rates.

For new plans, please work with your CSE.

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How do I add a new rate to an existing International Plan?

Setup -> Products -> Rates -> Long Distance Rates -> International Rates.

Select the International Rate that needs updated. Click the Edit button, update the Rate field and click the Save button.

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How do I setup Non-US to Non-US International Rate plans?

Setup -> Products -> Rates -> Long Distance Rates -> International Rates.

Click the Add button at the top left of the screen. Fill in the required information and select Non-US Domestic Orig as your Rate Method.

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How do I override the DA charge on a rate plan?

Setup -> Products -> Rates -> Long Distance Rates -> Long Distance Rates.

Click on the specific Rate Code that needs updated, click the Edit button, update the Directory Assistance Rate, click the Save button.

You can also update the DA Charge on a rate plan for Local. Setup-->Products-->Rates-->Local Rates.

Click on the specific Rate Code that needs updated, click the Edit button, update the Directory Assistance Rates, click the Save button.

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