2012-02 Release - Lakitu
This release was primarily focused on implementing real time provisioning to various VoIP Platforms. While the release notes show specific tasks, users should review the VoIP Product Provisioning section of the User Guide to gain a better understanding of the enhancements made to TBS.
For organizational purposes, these release notes have been divided into the following sections:
- Activity Queue and Network Resources
- General TBS Front End Changes
- Enhancements and Bug Fixes
Activity Queue and Network Resources
22785: Voip Provisioning Queue
TBS now has an Activity Queue to provide support for near-real-time tasks
such as provisioning to a VoIP switch.
In addition to processing calls to Network Resources (VoIP Switch APIs), the upcoming development of TBS
Scheduler, a way to schedule TBS tasks, is intended to use this queue.
22930: Activity Queue Screen
There is a new admin screen, Activity Queue, that shows pending tasks and tasks
that have failed the maximum number of allowed times.
Pending tasks,
once successful processed, will be removed automatically from the queue.
Tasks that
have failed the maximum number of times will remain in the queue. Users have the
option of retrying the task or removing the task from the queue.
23087: Activity Queue Permissions
Users have access to the Activity Queue based access rights to the
Maintenance module as follows:
- Access rights are required to view the
- Edit rights are required to resubmit queued tasks.
- Delete
rights are required to delete queued tasks.
22929: Activity Types Admin Screen
There is a new admin screen, Activity Types, which provides the capability to
override the default Maximum Number of Attempts on an Activity Type in the
The current system default is 5 attempts, and the current system
maximum is 20 attempts.
22903: Activity Log Screen
A new admin screen, Activity Log, shows the history of tasks as they've been
handled by the Activity Queue.
The default view of the admin screen shows
one grid row per task and the most recent activity for that item. The
details icon of each row provides a full history of that task.
22777: VoIP Provisioning Logging & Reporting
The new Activity Queue functionality logs to two places: 1) an Activity Log table that is accessible via a new admin screen, and 2) a second Activity Log table that provides debug-level information.
23128: New Tables: NetworkResourceDefaultsGroup, NetworkResourceDefaults
Network Resource defaults tables have been added to allow clients to specify default settings to network resources. Different sets of defaults can be given to different lkUsoc/network resource pairs.
General TBS Front End Changes
22856: Local Updates: VoIP Extensions, Duplicate List, Usoc lookup updates
TBS has been updated to better support VoIP clients on the Local Product
Screen. These updates include:
1. Added new appSetting:
When True (default) TBS will require a 10 digit Local
When False: TBS will allow less than 10 digit
Note, at entry time, the WTN will automatically be copied to the BTN
and LSO fields only when the WTN is 10 digits.
2) The Add Usoc function
now filters Usocs slightly different. The lookup has been updated to pull
Master Usoc records based on the Local COS, State, RBOC and Region. These
fields must either matching exactly OR be blank. (Previously, the blank
fields would not match / be displayed).
3. Added a new field to Local:
Ported dropdown list. This is a Yes/No field for informational purposes
4. Add the "Duplicate List" function. This is
available from the blue buttons on the bottom of the local screen. Users
can setup a single line with usocs, active dates, etc. Selecting the
"Dulicate List" option will allow users to enter a list of WTNs (or copy/paste
them from excel) and "Add Duplicates". This will add all of the new lines
exactly as the first including the usocs on the line.
22961: TBS Local/USOC Screen Changes
Associated Network Resource information has been added to the Product, USOC
Detail, and New USOC screens.
Additional filtering is available on the
New USOC screen to assist the user in finding / adding the desired USOC to the
local line.
23115: New Table: Devices
A Devices table has been added to TBS to allow for the tracking of user
devices such as VoIP phones.
A link to this table has been added on the
customers screen. The link shows the number of devices associated with the
current account.
On the local screen, a Devices link and dropdown list
are available to allow users to associate a device with a particular
Important Note: The MAC address field that was on the local line has been moved to
the Devices table.
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
22864: Billing info screen - suggestions
On the customer billing info screen, the Balance Information is now above the Billing Information row and Total Due has been moved to the Balance Information row.
22865: NumberInventory Module
Created a new NumberInventory module to control access to NumberInventory
functions in TBS.
To turn this feature on: 1) The NumberInventory Module
must be enabled for your company; 2) User rights must be granted to this
Once enabled, you will see the following in TBS:
1. The Main
Menu will add a link to Task-> Number Inventory
2. The Local page will
allow users to select new lines from inventory. Click on the "Reserved"
link next to WTN label
3. The Local page will have a "Add to Inventory"
button. This button will be enabled if the WTN is not already in the
Inventory List
4. The Duplicate List page will include the option to "Add
to Inventory" when adding multiple local lines.
23050: Customers Page Changes
A new "Activity Log" option has been added to the "Customer Links & Actions" menu. It is available to users with Maintenance access and show activity log records for items related to this customer.
23049: Order Page Changes
A new "Activity Log" tab has been added to the Orders page. It is available to users with Maintenance access and shows activity log records for items related to this order.
22932: Product Page Changes
A new "Activity Log" button has been added to the local page. It is available to users with Maintenance access and shows activity log records for items related to this record.
23077: Add Network Resources column to Number Inventory grid
A Network Resources column has been added to the number inventory grid (only shows for active usocs/local records/etc).
22781: USOC Page Changes
A new button to the usoc page has been added. It is available to users with Maintenance access and shows activity log records for items related to this usoc record.
23042: lkUSOC Network Resource Report
There is a new report showing which network resources are tied to Master Usocs. It is in the Network Resources report group.
22789: Master Usocs Admin Screen
The LkUSOC Maintenance screen has been revamped and is now only available
from the Maintenance > Administration Menu (new).
Network Resources
(new with this release) can be attached to LkUSOC records via the new
22842: New Table: lkLocalRateCodeDefaults
Normally, when saving a LkUSOC record with a new Rate Plan, local lines that
are attached to this LkUSOC record without a set Rate Code have their Rate Code
set to that from the selected Rate Plan.
Exceptions to this based on the
line's WTN pattern (such as a specific area code) can now be set using a new
admin screen (Administration Menu > Products > Local > Rate Code
22871: Enforce T4Appsetting uniqueness
Database constraints are now enabled to make T4AppSettings unique based upon AppKey. This is done to prevent unexpected behavior due to having duplication application settings with different values.
21582: Crystal Reports: Need to Close and Dispose
Implemented a better disposal mechanism for Crystal Reports.
resolves the following issue: when running a large number of reports in a small
window of time, the web server could produce an error and stop the generation of
new reports, forcing an application pool reset.
23103: New Network Information not showing in grid
Fixed the bug where Account Number and Name are not set in the grid after adding a new Network Information record.
22867: TBS Subdomain Issues
A session consistency issue has been resolved for sites that resolve to
different subdomains (e.g. www.precisebillonline.com and
This issue was causing odd time out / session
expired errors.