2019-04 Q*Bert
A new column, Entered On, has been added to assist with tracking data issues. Data issues are displayed in a few different locations, including billing data verification, daily data verification, and network resource system errors.
The example below shows this new column on the Billing Control Panel's Data Verification tab.
The user access trail stores a record of which employees have accessed customer records. Starting with this release, the records stored in the user access trail are being limited to the last five years. Older records will be automatically removed.
LOCATION: Customers / select customer / Metrics tab / User Access Train subtab
You can now resend a billing email to a customer, if that customer has previously been sent an email invoice on that bill run. This feature is only available for customers that have been billed (have an invoice associated with them).
LOCATION: Customers / specific, billing customer / Billing Information tab / Invoices subtab / specific invoice / Email Invoice tab
On the invoice viewer's Email Invoice tab, there is a text box for the email address you wish to send the invoice to and a button to send it.
TIP: The billing cycle ID at the top of the invoice viewer designates which bill run to send an invoice for.
Integrated Products
In previous releases, the Exception Code drop-down list for long distance rates incorrectly displayed a list of NPANXX rates. This issue has been corrected, so the drop-down list now shows the expected long distance exceptions.
LOCATION: Setup / Products / Rates / Long Distance Rates / Long Distance Rates / select specific rate
This drop-down list appears in the General section on the Basic Information tab.
The packages table now displays the total nonrecurring charge (Nonrecurring Charge column) and the total recurring charge (Recurring Charge column) for each listed package.
LOCATION: Setup / Products / Charges / Packages
INTERNAL NOTE: Screen shot
The nonrecurring charge total includes the interval charges on any nonrecurring charges in the package, and the activation charges for all charges in the package, each decreased according to the corresponding discount rates.
The recurring charge total includes the interval charges on any recurring packages, decreased according to the corresponding discount rates.
In addition, if you select a specific package, the total recurring and nonrecurring charges are also listed at the bottom of the tables in the Charges and Plans area. As charges are added to the package, the totals will adjust to include the new charges.
Finally, the way nonrecurring charge totals were being calculated (on both a product's screen and on the Products tab for a customer) has been updated. Previously, the activation charge was not being included in the nonrecurring charge. Now, the activation charge is included in the total if the detail the activation charge belongs to hasn't been billed yet.
Tasks can now include Purchase Order Numbers (PONs). This configuration can be specified for task types individually, meaning you can show PONs for some task types while hiding it for others.
The PONs section and associated options can be displayed or hidden using the Enable PONs check box.
LOCATION: Setup / Tasks / Task Type Groups / select task type group / select task type
The PONs section itself appears on individual tasks for task types where the Enable PONs check box is selected (checked). In the example below, the PONs section is shown for an order.
NOTE: A REST endpoint exists for PONs.
The permissions for the Agents grid have been updated to use the Agents group module instead of the Commissions group module.
This grid is available for customers, products, locations, and charges.
The Agents group module is located on the Group Modules screen.
LOCATION: Setup / System / Users & Security / User Groups / Admin security module
Customers can now directly email your Billing Department from the Contact Us screen on the Customer portal (using the new Email Billing Department link).
This link uses the email address defined in the Billing 'From' Email Address setting on the customer's corresponding base.
LOCATION: Setup / Company Settings / Bases / appropriate base link / Email and Web Addresses section
Resolved Issues
- General
- 202645. Deleting an agent on an existing task would result in the corresponding task no longer being accessible. Now, an agent cannot be deleted if it is tied to a task.
198246. Tasks could not be deleted if notes, docs, or agents were associated with the task. Now, you can delete tasks even if they are associated with any of these items.
- 198245. The Allow Payments setting was not working properly. Certain types of transactions do not allow further payments to occur while they are pending, based on the status of the Allow Payments setting on the Transaction Classification screen. Previously, this setting's status (checked or not) was being accounted for on the Pay Bill tab (on a customer's Billing Information tab) and the Make Payments tab (on the Customer portal), but it was not being used for the Credit Card or Bank Account tabs. Now, the Make a Payment section on the Credit Card and Bank Account tabs is correctly enabled or disabled based on the Allow Payments setting (if the customer has any pending transactions which block further payments).
- 197801. When attempting to view the charges and plans for more than a certain number of selected products (273), an error occurred and the charges and plans for those products could not be viewed (on the product's Charges & Plans tab). This issue has been resolved and these charges and plans can now be viewed as expected.
- Integrated Products
- 202763. Copying some product types would result in a system error when trying to save the product. Products that use copied product types can now be saved.
- 202402. An error occurred when attempting to edit multiple charges simultaneously. Now multiple charges can be edited simultaneously.
- Portals
- 203857. An error existed which blocked access to the Resources / File Transfers screens for wholesale users. This error has been corrected so that wholesale users (and only wholesale users) can access the associated screens.
Release Database Changes
These are the differences that will be made to your existing database when upgrading to version 55.00.
NOTE: Also see BillHistoryV2 changes below.
The following fields have been dropped:
- None
The following fields have been altered:
- QBToTBSDifferences.QBValue CharacterMaximumLength (50 -> 255)
- QBToTBSDifferences.TBSValue CharacterMaximumLength (50 -> 255)
- PONs.OrdersKey IsNullable (False -> True)
The following tables and views have been added:
- None
The following fields have been added:
- DataIssues.EnteredDate
- DataIssuesView.EnteredDate
- FileTransferCredentials.Synchronous
- PONs.TasksKey
- PONsView.PONsKey
- PONsView.OrdersKey
- PONsView.TasksKey
- PONsView.TaskDescription
- PONsView.Title
- PONsView.PONNumber
- PONsView.PONType
- PONsView.Carrier
- PONsView.BTN
- PONsView.RequestedDueDate
- PONsView.ActualDueDate
- PONsView.FOC
- PONsView.PCN
- PONsView.BCN
- PONsView.InstallDate
- PONsView.LECOrderNumber
- PONsView.LECOrderNumber2
- PONsView.Description
- PONsView.EnteredBy
- PONsView.EnteredDate
- PONsView.Modified
- PONsView.ModifiedBy
- PONsView.ModifiedDate
- PONsView.DeletedFlag
- TaskTypes.EnablePONs
The following fields have been dropped:
- None
The following fields have been altered:
- None
The following tables and views have been added:
- None
The following fields have been added:
- None