Financial Reports

TBS provides the following financial reports available from the Reports --> Financial menu:

  • Accounts Receivable (AR) – This report shows the accounts receivable (the amount owed to the company) and also includes the length of time the amounts have been outstanding.  The aging report categorizes receivables as current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and 120 days+ late.  The purpose of this report is to show what receivables need to be dealt with more urgently based on how long amounts have been overdue.
  • Transactions – This report provides both summary and detailed level information from the transactions posted to customer accounts.  This report can be used to view all transaction activity for a given time period. 
  • Tax and Compliance Reports – These reports are used for tax and compliance reporting to the various taxing and regulatory authorities. These reports are accessible via the Billing Control Panel vs. the Reports menu.

Click on the links above for additional details on each report.