Account Number Schemes

How do I get here? Setup ► Customers ► Account Number Schemes

Account numbers for new Customers are generated by referencing an Account Number Scheme which is tied to the Group set on the Customer when initially entered into TBS. A Scheme in its simplest form is just an auto incrementing number. However schemes can be setup to also have a Prefix or a Suffix in conjunction with the auto incrementing number. TBS will track the last generated unique account number for that Scheme and keep it in mind for use when generating the Next Account Number.

Using Prefixes are very handy if a Client wants to prefix account numbers for specific Groups of customers. The Groups admin screen will point to a specific Account Number Scheme. This allows multiple Groups to use the same account number scheme if desired.

The customer is then tied to a Group which triggers the Account Number Scheme either at initial Save or during the Status Action of Activate action (if configured to do so).

Security Maintenance Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here

Account Number Schemes Grid - TBS supports an unlimited amount of Account Number Schemes.


Account Number Schemes Details - A Scheme is quite simple in that there simply needs to be a Next Increment defined as well as the Padding to generate an account number of a certain length. These two items are then used within the NextIncrement variable to generate the next account number. This Next Number to Show variable is then set within the Scheme Template and can have a Prefix or a Suffix concatenated with it as well.

Example: General numeric increment. The setup below will auto increment account number where the account number will be 6 digits in length and end with 1251. So the next account number in this case will be 001251.

The Associated Groups list will display all the Groups that currently use the Account Number Scheme.

Using a Prefix or Suffix - If there is a desired Prefix or Suffix that should be used when generating account numbers, this value can simply be added to the front or end of the Scheme Template.

Prefix example: - Using the prefix example below, the next account number will be DEMO1251 where "DEMO" is the prefix and "1251" is the Next Increment to be used. Since the Account Number is set to 8, no padding is needed. However if it were set to 9 digits, the result would be DEMO01251.

Data Field Definitions

Field Name Definition Notes
Prefix The text or numeric value to prefix the account number with.  
Postfix The text or numeric value to postfix the account number with after the Next Increment.  
Next Number to Show

The integer that will be used for the next account number. Increments are always incremented by one.

Account Number Length If set, the system will pad NextIncrement with zeroes to the left until the number portion of the account number reaches this value