Custom Links

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TBS supports the ability to have "Custom Links" in the Menu and TBS Site Footer. This tool can be used to show links to any external urls such as Terms and Agreements, Client specific Help documentation, links to carrier sites, etc.


Security Maintenance Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here

Custom Links Admin Tools - Links can be setup to point to any URL and appear in the main Links menu, the Help menu, the footer or a Services menu on the Customer Portal.

Custom Links in the "Links" Menu: - links will show in the main "Links" menu if designated within the admin of the Custom Links. Links can be turned on / off by Base and also by Portal type.

Custom Links as Text in the Footer - links will show in the footer section of every page if designated within the admin of the Custom Links. Links can be turned on / off by Base and also by Portal type.


Custom Links as an Image in the Footer - If the Image URL is setup, the image will show instead of the Title text.



Data Field Definitions

Field Name Definition Notes

Desired link

Image URL

URL of the image that should display instead of the Title. URLs can be external links or can be links obtained via an image that was uploaded using the Images maintenance tool.

Note: Images should be sized to the appropriate height and width according to the link location. The system will not resize images automatically.

Title Text that will display in the menu or footer  
ToolTip Text to display if the link is being hovered over  
Target Specify the browser window to use of the link:
_Blank will open a new tab/window;
_Self will open in the existing window;
_Parent will open in the existing parent window;
_Top will open in the existing top level window.
TBSFramedConent will open a secure/https link inside the portal within a frame. Keeps all portal menus and logos.
Location Specify the TBS Location to display the link: Footer will display the link in the footer of each TBS page;
  • HelpMenu will display the link at the bottom of the TBS Help Menu;
  • ServicesMenu will display the link in the Customer Portal Services menu (pending new Customer Portal);
  • CustomLinkMenu will display the link in a TBS Link Menu (new)
  • AcceptTermsPage will enforce customers logging into the standard customer portal to accept the Terms & Agreements referenced in the URL link before proceeding into the portal.
  • Login Page Footer will display the link on the login page footer for all users regardless of base.
  • Payment Page will display the link on any of the payment pages where a payment can be initiated.
  • Payment Tab will create a new Tab under the Billing Information tab or a link in the Billing & Payments menu on the Customer portal. This is meant to link to an external payment processor that is not tied to TBS.
Base The link can be associated with a single base.


Note: Leaving this field blank associates the link with ALL bases.
Agent, Customer, Internal User Visibility Indicates the type of user than will see the link