Report Parameters

Report Parameters are the parameters a user enters to filter the data report data.

To Create a New Parameter

See "Admin Tool Buttons" for general instructions on how to Add, Edit, Copy, Save or Delete aParameter

ID - name of the parameter

  • This field is required

LabelName – the title of the parameter which appears on the flex report

ControlType – the method used to select or enter a parameter

Options available:

  • TextBox      
  • DropDownList        
  • CheckBoxList           
  • ListBox                 
  • RadioButtonList        
  • CheckBox                    


  • Image                           (Not applicable)

DateTimeType – date and/or time format (used with the TextBox ControlType only)

Options available:

  • None                      


  • Date                            (Includes a calendar selector)


  • Time                         


  • DateTime                 

DBTableName – the table where the field is located which will be compared to the user entry/selection

DBColumnName – the field which will be compared to the user entry/selection

Comparison Operator – the type of comparison which will be made to the user entry/selection

Options available:

  • None
  • Like
  • GreaterThan  >
  • LessThan  <
  • Equals =
  • NotEquals 
  • GreaterThanEquals 
  • LessThanEquals 
  • NotLike

MaxHeight – this sets the height of a parameter list

  • Applies to a CheckBoxList and ListBox parameter only

MaxLength – limits the characters which may be entered into a TextBox

  • Not applicable to DateTime types

Width – this sets the width of the parameter box

LkDropDown ScreenName – the values in the control list are located in the lkdropdown table under this screen name