Rate Code Defaults

The system wide Rate Code Defaults works in conjunction with Master USOC Rate Plan. The Master USOC Rate Plan provides the ability to set the Local Line Rate Code when a particular Master USOC is added. The Rate Code Defaults will override this behavior based on some criteria.

For example, at the TBS System Level, users can set the Local Line Rate code for Area Code 207 to "FreeCalls" if desired. Any time a line matches the defined criteria (Area code 207 in this case), the Rate Code will be set to "FreeCalls" regardless of the Master USOCs.

From the Main Menu select Admin and then Administrative Menu (New).

Then select the Product -> Local -> Rate Code Defaults from the Tree menu on the left side of the page.

The Rate Code Defaults fields are:

Regular Expression - Regular Expressions are used in TBS to do pattern matching. These are defined in the Validation -> T4RegExs table. This defines the criteria to be used to determine if the Rate Code should be defaulted on a particular local line. Currently, we are pattern matching based on the Local WTN.

Rate Code - Defines the Rate Code to assign to local lines.