Transaction Classification Categories

The categories associated with a Transaction Classification are located on this tab. This tool allows a Transaction Classification to be associated with a particular type of transaction.

See "Admin Tool Buttons" for general instructions on how to Add, Edit, Copy, Save or Delete aTransaction Classification Category

Account Type

  1. Examples include Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover for Payment Type = CC
  2. Normally left blank for Payment Type = ACH

Payment Type – Required Field. Normally either: CC (credit card) or ACH (bank account)

    The options in this drop-down list can be maintained by choosing Admin > Drop Down Lists from the Main Menu Use the List Name of ProcessorPaymentType

Transaction Type – Required Field. Normally either: P (Payment) or D (Debit)

    The options in this drop-down list can be maintained by choosing Admin > Drop Down Lists from the Main Menu . Use the List Name of TransType