SMS Plans

  • Click the SMS Plans link from the menu on the left of the TBS Administration screen

This tool is also accessible from the Wireless screen by clicking the SMS Plan link.

The managed data can be found in the rtWirelessSMSPlans table.

Rate Code– the identifier for the plan

  • appears in the SMS Plan drop-down list on the Wireless screen

Description – informational only

  • appears in the SMS Plan Plan/Description column on the Wireless screen

Monthly Charge – the recurring monthly charge

Messages Included – number of free text messages included in the plan

Unlimited Usage – if checked, the plan includes unlimited data usage

Overage Charge (Per Message) – the overage charge for each text message

Roaming Charge (Per Message) – the roaming charge for each text message

International Charge (Per Message) – the charge for each international text message sent or received

Deactivated Date – the date the plan was no longer available to the customers

    Click the calendar icon or enter the dates manually

Shared Plan

  • 1) Shared – every line on this account with this plan will share the plan
  • 2) Pooled – each line in the group will share the sum of their plans

  • 3) Default – standard plan

  • The options in this drop-down list should only be updated by PTT staff using the Drop Down Lists Admin Tool > List Name – SharedPlan