Miscellaneous Charges Inventory

How do I get here? (Integrated)Setup ► Products ► Charges ► Miscellaneous Charges
(Traditional )Setup ► Products ► Miscellaneous Charges

TBS allows automatically assigned account level charges by Base to be applied to customers.

These charges are different in that they are typically at the account level and have additional logic built in that will trigger or avoid a certain type of charge. (i.e., percentage of LD usage, apply a fee if paper invoice, etc.)

Examples include Paper Bill Fees or Regulatory Recovery Fees

This maintenance tool will allow an inventory of possible misc charges to be setup in the system. Once setup here, they must then be tied to a Base record which will then apply the misc charge to all customers tied to that Base.

Security Maintenance Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here


Miscellaneous Charges Inventory List

Miscellaneous Charge Edit/Add


Once a master Miscellaneous Charge inventory record is set up, it may be added to a Base to apply to any customer tied to that Base.



Data Field Definitions

Type - top level miscellaneous charge type

  • A – ANI charge to existing long distance line
  • C – customer charge automatically assigned
  • D – user fee type automatically assigned
  • F – user fee manually assigned

Calc Type – the method used to apply the miscellaneous charge (by percentage or a fixed dollar amount)

Taxable – if the checkbox is selected, taxes can be applied to the miscellaneous charge

Product Type – classifies the revenue – where the miscellaneous charge appears or is grouped on the invoice

Overall Tax Type – classifies the taxing

Recurring – if the checkbox is selected, the miscellaneous charge is applied every month

Misc Int 01 – auxiliary information needed by certain types or calc types

Print Priority – determines the location of the miscellaneous charge on the invoice

Transaction Type – combined with Service Type to identify the service being provided for the purpose of producing the appropriate taxes for a specific jurisdiction

Service Type – combined with Transaction Type to identify the service being provided for the purpose of producing the appropriate taxes for a specific jurisdiction