PTT Standard Invoice


Customer Account Settings Invoicing Report Flags

The following table shows the various report flags and options that can be set at the Customer Level.  These are set on the “Invoicing” sub tab of the Account Settings tab.

As you are reviewing these report options, please take note of the values in the last column in the grid. 

  • Yes indicates this flag is used on the output type. 
  • Blank or No (N) indicates that the flag is not used. 
  • A number indicates the report is used, and shows the order in which the report is produced on the invoice.
  • “Forced” indicates that the report is automatically produced by the billing engine if applicable for the account.


PTT Invoice Flag




Field Name


Send Paper Bill

  • Always
  • Never
  • Yes If Over Minimum

This flag indicates if the invoice should be mailed to the customer.  Even if set to Never, a PDF version will be generated, just not sent to the printer.

The Minimum refers to the Client's Company defined minimum amount for producing an invoice, not the individual account minimum




Email Bill Notice

  • No Email
  • Email w/o PDF, If Over Min
  • Email w/ PDF, if Over Min
  • Email w/o PDF, Always
  • Email w/ PDF, Always

This flag indicates if the invoice should be emailed to the customer and if so, whether the PDF should be attached to the invoice or not.  As with Send Paper Bill, the Minimum refers to the Client's Company defined minimum amount for producing an invoice, not the individual account minimum.




Detail Separation

Checked / Not Checked

If checked, a page break will be inserted between ANI or Account Code in the Call Detail Section




Skip Letters

Checked / Not Checked

If checked, the system letters (30, 60, 90, 120 days late will NOT be included on the invoice.





Message Group

User Defined

Allows users to create a set of messages to be included on the invoice.  This message group can be assigned to one or more customers.




Single Column Invoice
  • Yes
  • No

This defaults to "N", meaning that the invoice will be produced as normal with all Page 3+ reports being presented in Two columns.

Setting this flag to "Y" will cause the invoice reports starting on Page 3 to be presented in a One column format.

This flag only impacts invoice reports starting on Page 3 of the PTT Invoice. Pages 1 & 2 will not be affected by this invoice flag.

Page 3:

ForceSingleColumnInvoice Y

Invoice Report Options

Front Page

Always On.  Report cannot be turned off.

Standard front page below. Can be customized to suit clients need but requires billable customized development.




Front Page Backer

On by Default.

Backer image can be customized.

If no Backer is set on the Base record, "This page intentionally left blank" will be printed.



Transactions Report / Accounting Summary

Always On.  Report cannot be turned off.

This report shows any transactions processed on the account since the last invoice.  This includes Payments, Credits and Debits.



Taxes and Fees Summary

Always On.  Report cannot be turned off.

This report shows a breakdown of the taxes and fees on the invoice.



Location Yes  / No

This flag will print two reports:

1 - A Location Charges Summary Report - displays by location the top level charges (Voice, Wireless, Internet, Cable, Dedicated, and Fixed) along with a total Charges column (no taxes).

2 - Location Usage Summary Report - displays by location the top level usage charges (Voice, Wireless, Internet, Cable, Dedicated, and Fixed) along with a total Usage column (no taxes).

Location By Product Yes / No / Hide Amounts

This flag will print one report by ProductID. The Hide Amounts option will hide any of the detail line amounts and only show Totals.

1 - A Location ProductID Summary Report - displays by Productid and Location a summary of Charges, Usage, Taxes & Fees as well as a total revenue column.

Location Short Yes / No Provides a summary of Charges, Usage and Taxes & Fees as well as a total revenue column for each Location. No product detail is provided. rptLocationShort  

Individual Top Level

Yes  / No

Provides a summary of Fixed and Dedicated Charges.  This is used if users don’t want to show the Product Summary Report.



Product Summary

Yes / No

Report shows the detailed charges for each product.  Products are grouped by Location.



Invoice Category Summary
  • Yes
  • No
Reports shows a summary by Service Category. Invoice Categories can be customized per client based on the type of services offered.

Invoice Category Detail
  • Do Not Print
  • Yes
  • Follow Hide Amount Rule
  • Follow Hide Date Rule
  • Follow All Rules

Reports show Charges & Plans by Invoice Category assigned within the charges inventory. Invoice Categories can be customized per client based on the type of services offered.

Rules can be setup using the Service Category Maintenance tool to Hide Charge amounts for the individual charges or hide Dates for the individual charges.


Area Summary

Yes / No

Report displays Usage by Country Code / Area Code for each Message Type (i.e., Switched, VoIP, etc.)



Freq Called Numbers

Yes / No

Report displays a list of the most frequently called numbers for the invoice period.



Freq Called Locations

Yes / No

Report displays a list of the most frequently called cities for the invoice period.



Time Of Day

Yes / No

Report displays calls, minutes and charges for the invoice period by hour by each Message Type (i.e., OnePlus, Switched, VoIP, etc.).



Long Duration

Yes / No

Report displays a list of the longest calls made during the invoice period.




Usage Summary

Yes / No

Report displays the Product Type, RateCode, Call Type and LD Usage Information.  Typically only provided to Wholesale / Enterprise accounts.



Wireless Plan Summary

Yes (1) / No (0)

This is always shown if the customer has a wireless plan.



Account Code Summary

  • No
  • By Account Code Location
  • By Product Location
  • Both

Report displays a summary of calls by account code.

  • No - No report is printed on the invoice
  • By Account Code Location - shows Account Code data grouped by Location set on the Account Code
  • By Product Location - shows Account Code data by Location set on the Product which carried out the Account Code call
  • Both - Prints both report options above.



Call Detail

  • Do Not Print;
  • Always Print;
  • Print Billable Calls;
  • Print Billable Calls w/ Rate

Indicates if call detail should be included on the invoice. 


The Print Billable Calls option can be used in conjunction with Free Minutes.  If selected, only calls with charges will be displayed.  The call detail report will show both Minutes Used and Minutes Billed columns. 

The Print Billable Calls with Rate option is used to display a Rate column rather than the Minutes Used column.



Call Detail Seconds

User entered seconds

When this field is set to a number greater than 0, the system will only print call detail records for calls longer than the indicated number of seconds.




Conference Calling Summary


This is always shown if the customer has a pure Conference Calling (not from LD).




Corporate Summary Report

1 - All (Default)
2 - Summary by Sub Account Only
3 - Summary of Charges and Usage Only

Prints Summary information for each sub account under the Corporate account. This only applies to the Corporate Invoice layout. rptCorpSummary