Credit Invoice Tab

Use this tab to apply partial and full invoice credits for the Billing Date selected. 

This tab will only be visible if the user has access to the AccountCredit module

Partial Invoice Credit

To create a partial credit on an invoice,

  • Enter the Amount (This field is required)
  • Select the Reason from the drop-down list (This field is required)

The options can be maintained by choosing

Admin > Drop Down Lists from the Main Menu

  • Screen Name – InoviceViewer
  • List Name – AccountCreditReason
  • Select the Tax Type from the drop-down list (This field is required)

The options can be maintained by choosing Admin > Drop Down Lists from the Main Menu

  • Screen Name - FixedCharges
  • List Name – FixChargeTaxType
  • Click the button
  • A message will appear indicating that the credit was processed

If FixedChargeApprovalProcess field = True in the T4AppSetting table, the above message will have “and is now pending approval” added at the end.

A negative fixed charge with a Pending Status will appear on the Fixed Charges tab for the partial credit. 

Full Credit

To create a credit for the full amount of the invoice,

  • Click the button
  • A message will appear indicating that the credit was processed successfully

A credit will appear on the Transaction Posting screen for the amount of the invoice.