Set User Password

How do I get here?

Customers: Customers Menu ► Search ► Select Customer ► Account Settings ► Users ► Select User ► Change Password tab

Agents: Utilities ► System Administration ► Agents ► Select Agent ► Associated User Maintenance ► Select User ► Change Password tab

Internal: Utilities ► System Administration ► Users & Security ► Users ► Select User ► Change Password tab

Logged in User: Profile button ► User Settings ► Change Password tab


This option allows users to set up or change the password corresponding to the UserID.

Password Rules:

  • The password must be at least 8 characters in length
  • The password must include both letters and numbers
  • The password may not contain spaces, single quotes (‘), double quotes (“), or brackets (<,>)

Be sure to select the "Force Password Change?" checkbox if you want to force the customer to reset their password upon next login.

Security Customers Module.Update
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions N/A


Customer Change Password


Agent Change Password:


User Settings