Devices - OLD!!!

The Devices table in TBS allows users to track one or more devices at the Customer Level. Each device can then be associated with one or more Local Lines.

Users can access Devices from either the 1) Local Product Screen or 2) the Utilities - System Administration - Products - Devices menu

1) From the Local Product Screen select the Devices Link above the Drop Down List..

The fields are:

MAC - This is the MAC Address of the Device

Model - This is the device model. The values in this drop down list can be maintained via the Drop Down List Admin Tool (Menu->Admin->Drop Down List) using the values of "DevicesEditControl" and "DeviceModels" for Screen and List Name respectively.

# of Local Lines Used On - This field shows a count of the lines that the device is used on. Clicking the link will show the list of lines:

Selecting Add new record or clicking the pencil icon will expand the selected record for editing as shown below:

Users can click the to select the desired device. This will return the user to the Local Screen and fill the Device Drop Down list with the selected device.


2)  From the Utilities Menu select System Administration and then Products and then Devices.

The Devices page works similar as shown above however, users can view ALL Devices in the system and can add new and/or edit existing devices.