Network Information

Network Information records are used to tie Customers and Lines in TBS to a VoIP Switch. Generally VoIP switches require some type of unique NetworkID which must be managed in both systems. The Network Information table in TBS allows users to track one or more Network Information records at the Customer Level. Each Network Information record can then be associated with one or more Local Lines.

Users can access Network Informationfrom either the 1) Customer Information Screen or 2) the Local Product Screen

1) From the Customer Information Screen select the link. Note that this Link shows a list of NetworkIDs the current customer.

The top of the screen shows the Current Account Number and will allow users to search for / view Network Information records on other accounts.

The grid shows the list of Network Information records on the account. Clicking Select will open the details screen

The fields are:

Account Number - Read only, informational based on the current account.

Account Name - Read only, informational based on the current account

Network ID - This is a unique Network ID associated with this record.
The NetworkID will be automatically generated by the system when adding a new Network Information record.

Comment - User comment associated with this record.

2) From the Local Product Screen select the Network ID Link above the Drop Down List.

This opens the same Network Information screens as described above.