User Access and Permissions
User Access and security is managed in TBS using Modules, User Groups and Users.
Modules - A module is the base item used to control access. Modules are system defined and each page in TBS is linked to a module. When a user attempts to view a page, the system will ensure that the user has at least "Access" rights to that module. If not, then an error is displayed telling the users that the lack permissions to the page. TBS enabled Modules are determine by Precision at the time of setup. If a Module is enabled, security rights can be set within the Group Security section of TBS.
User Security Groups – User Security Groups provide a way to define a set of Module rights and then apply them to multiple users vs. setting individual user rights. System administrators can define the User Groups and the level of access for each module for your company using the User Groups Administration Tool. For each module in the user group, administrators define the access level:
- Access - Users can view the pages associated with this module
- Add - Users can add new records
- Update - Users can Edit / Update existing records
- Delete - Users can delete records
- Admin - Users have full access to the records
Users – The User record defines an individual system user. Internal user accounts can be maintained using the Users Administration Tool. User Groups are assigned to users to provide a user access to the system.
For Customers / Wholesale accounts, their account number will be their UserID/Login. The password can be set or changed by an internal user via the Actions tab on the Customer Information Screen. Two important notes:
- The search criteria (filters what the account can view) is automatically generated by the system (AccountNumber = ‘XXX’)
- A system defined security User Group is automatically assigned to these users based on the User Type. These User Groups are: "Customers", "Wholesale", "Corporate".
Agents – Agents can be setup and tied to customers for Commission tracking. Login ID, Password, and Search Criteria are defined on the agent record and can be managed via the Agents Admin Tool . As with Customers:
- The search criteria (filters what the Agent can view) is automatically set when an agent record is created. Unlike customers, administrators do have the option to override the default search criteria .
- A system defined security User Group is automatically assigned to these users. The User Groups is "Agents"
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