Expiring Credit Card Emails

TBS will send out credit card expiration email notification to customers whose recurring cards are due to expire. Emails will be sent to the main Email set on the Customer Information screen.

By default:

  • An Application setting, 'CC_ExpirationNoticeAdvanceDays', will be set to '7,30,60'
  • An email template type, 'Credit Card Expiration Notice', is already setup in the system
  • Bases will be assigned this default email template


A nightly process will send emails to customers whose recurring cards are expiring in the number of days specified by the application setting above. By default, if a card is expiring in 7 days, 30 days, or 60 days, the system will send an email according to the email template specified by the base.

Clearing the CC_ExpirationNoticeAdvanceDays setting will prevent the system from sending any of these emails. Please work with your account manager if you do not wish to send these notifications.

Fields available for the template and an example of each type:

  • CustomerInformation fields: Customer.Name
  • CCInfoView fields: CreditCard.LastFourDigits
  • Base fields: Base.CompanyName

These parameters are also available:

  • CreditCard.FormattedExpirationDate - the expiration date (the first day that the card is no longer valid) of the card formatted using the CultureType specified on the base.
  • Base.CompanyLogoUrl - the URL to the Company Logo

The Expiration template can be managed using the Email Templates maintenance tool.

Sample Email: