Product Type Data Field Definitions

Field Definition Notes
Product Class Underlying TBS Billing Product Class - Drives billing revenue reporting buckets on the Billing Control Panel-->Billing Spreadsheet.  
Disregard ProductID

If checked, when adding a new Product, the ProductID will not be required. This is typically set on "Account" type Product Types that are placeholder for account level MRC/NRCs.

Cannot be changed if products of that product type already exist in the system
ProductID Regular Expression Regular Expression syntax for determining the ProductID  
ProductID Default Value Used in conjunction with the ProductID Next Generation value to auto generate a product ID.  
Show on Customer Used in conjunction with Customer Alerts. If this is checked, then all products that have this Product Type will appear as a customer alert across the top of the customer record.  
Description Product Type Description - backend description for the Product Type  
ProductID Description Product Type Description - appears in the dropdown list and the Products grid when adding/viewing products  
ProductID Alternate Display Regular Expression Regular Expression syntax for determining the Alternate Display  
ProductID Next Generation ProductIDs can be auto-generated for new products that are added to the system of the same Product Type.

Inserting '{%ProductIDNextGeneration%}' into the ProductID Default Value field will replace that parameter with the value from the ProductID Next Generation field each time a ProductID of that form is generated.

The ProductID Next Generation field defaults to 1 if it is null.

The example above shows that when adding a new product type of Network ID, the ProductID will automatically be generated to 16000003. Once used, this will increment to the next number, 16000004.
AlternateID Default Value Used in conjunction with the ProductID Next Generation value to auto generate a product ID.  
AlternateID Next Generation AlternateIDs can be auto-generated for new products that are added to the system of the same Product Type.

Inserting '{%AlternateIDNextGeneration%}' into the AlternateID Default Value field will replace that parameter with the value from the AlternateID Next Generation field each time a ProductID of that form is generated.

ProductID Special Behavior
  • 0 = Nothing special (default)
  • 1 = ProductID is AccountCode Without Corp/Sub Relationship Enforcement
  • 2 = ProductID is AccountCode With Corp/Sub Relationship Enforcement
  • 3 = ProductID is SubAccount
Please note that special billing development is likely necessary to support these settings.
Task Type for Tickets Entered from Customer Portal Directs the system to tie a product to a particular Task Type when a Trouble Ticket is added for this product type from the Customer Portal.