USOCs & Product Charges

Local products have the ability for USOCs or Charges to be added to the local product as Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs) or Non-Recurring Charges (NRCs).

USOC charges can be Line Charges, Equipment charges, Recurring Charges as well as Non Recurring Charges that may or may not have an installation fee. They are pulled from an inventory of USOCs and each one can have its own Active and Disconnect date for billing. IMPORTANT: USOC billing charges are based on these dates, not that of the Local product.

Adding USOCs/Charges: USOCs can be selected from the USOC inventory by clicking the Add USOC button after the Local product is saved. A USOC Type drop down can be used to filter and find USOCs. Only the first 250 results are shown for performance reasons. A Search texbox is available to search by USOC or Description. Also, filters can then be used to narrow down to the correct USOC. Set the Active Date and Prorate values accordingly before selecting any USOCs so that they will be added to the product with selected active date / prorate values.

The default order for USOCs is based on "popularity" a.k.a USOCs that are selected the most often. Line Charge (L) and Recurring (R) type USOCs have the ability to have a Local Rate Plan attached to the charge. If selected, this rate plan will be applied to the local product.

USOC filtering can be enabled based on client setup to take into consideration the local product WTN, Region, State and RBOC values. Please work with PTT on this feature for additional information.



Select all the desired USOCs by clicking the Select link and then the Done button. All selected USOCs will now appear on the Local screen in the corresponding grid on the Local screen.

Overriding Amounts or Descriptions: All fields can be overridden once added to a local product. Items such as the Description, Amount, Activation Amount and Quantity can be changed. These can be overridden by clicking the Select link associated with the USOC and setting the appropriate fields.

Initiate USOC Billing: USOCs must have an Active Date to start billing and it must be prior to the bill run date in order to be picked up in the invoice. Depending upon the Prorate flag, TBS will bill the entire charge or a prorated amount that considers the Active Date for the initial month. Recurring charges will always bill one month forward.

Terminate USOC Billing: To terminate a USOC from billing, the USOC must be deleted or disconnected in order to stop it from billing on an account. The USOC can be disconnected by selecting the USOC and setting the Disconnect Date accordingly. A Disconnect date may be set for a future date.

Note: The TBS system does not calculate disconnect credits (i.e., refunds if disconnected in the past). These must be calculated manually and applied to the account via Fixed Charges or Transaction Posting.