Trouble Ticket Field Definitions

**Note: Legacy Trouble Tickets are being replaced by the Task Management System for Tickets. See more information here

Trouble Tickets are designed to track Work Orders and Product trouble tickets in TBS. Each product type has its own set of trouble ticket fields to capture pertinent information for that product.

NOTE: All fields are listed below however depending upon the Trouble Ticket Product Type, these fields may vary.

Field Name Description Notes
ID Unique ID assigned to the trouble ticket - these are auto-generated by the system.  
Account # Customer Account number - auto-filled when adding a new ticket  
Customer Email Customer Email address - auto-filled when adding a new ticket  
Main Phone Customer Main Phone - auto-filled when adding a new ticket  
Billing Email Customer Billing Email address - auto-filled when adding a new ticket  
Contact Phone Customer Contact Phone - auto-filled when adding a new ticket  
Entry Date Entered Date of the new ticket - auto-generated when adding a new ticket. Cannot be altered.  
Customer Customer Name - auto-filled when adding a new ticket  
Customer Assigned ID Client chosen assigned ID to provide to the customer  


Status of the Trouble Ticket which appears as a result of the Action chosen from the Action drop-down list Maintained using the Status Action System Administration tool


Actions available to perform on the Customer based upon the Status Action work flow and the current status of the customer. Maintained using the Status Action System Administration tool
Assigned To Drop down list of TBS Users that can work on Trouble Tickets This list is populated based on the "Can work on Trouble Tickets" check box on the TBS User record.
Type Drop down list of options that describe the ticket type in more detail. The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

Note: Each Trouble Ticket Type has their own list.

  • Screen Name - TroubleTicket
  • List Name - TroubleLD
  • Screen Name - TroubleTicket
  • List Name - TroubleLocal
  • Screen Name - TroubleTicket
  • List Name - TroubleWorkOrder
  • Screen Name - TroubleTicket
  • List Name - TroubleCable
  • Screen Name - TroubleTicket
  • List Name - TroubleCableInternet
  • Screen Name - TroubleTicket
  • List Name - TroubleDedicated
  • Screen Name - TroubleTicket
  • List Name - TroubleTollFree
Open Date/Time Should be used as the Open/Date and time the ticket begins to be worked either internally or with an external party (i.e., Carrier).  
Close Date/Time Date the ticket is closed. Should be filled by the client once the ticket is resolved.  
Service Type Type of service having issues The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.
  • Screen Name - TroubleTicket
  • List Name - FacilityType
Site Contact Contact name of the POC for this particular ticket  
Email Email address of the POC for this particular ticket  
Callback Date/Time Call back date and time to the client. Corresponds with the "Add Calendar Appointment"  
Add Calendar Appointment Works with MS Outlook only. Will add a calendar item to the local MS Outlook calendar corresponding to the Callback Date/Time  
Products in Trouble List of all products on the customer's account.  
Circuit IDs in trouble Textbox to list any circuit IDs involved with the trouble ticket  
Submitted to Center Drop down list of "Centers" that the ticket may be submitted to. This is purely informational and usually corresponds to External support that may have been notified of the ticket for help in resolution. The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.
  • Screen Name - TroubleTickets
  • List Name - SubmittedTo
Carrier Drop down list of all Carriers available for selection corresponding to the product(s) in trouble The options can be maintained by choosingProvisioningCarriers from System Administration.
Carrier Ticket Number Ticket number assigned by the Carrier for tracking purposes in TBS. Informational only.  
Description Main description of the issue  
Resolution Resolution details once the ticket is resolved.  
Short Resolution Drop down list of resolutions. Supports easier data entry if standard resolutions are common and self explanatory. More details can be provided in the Resolution text area is desired. The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.
  • Screen Name - TroubleTickets
  • List Name - ShortResolution
Physical Locations Drop down list of Physical Locations (from the Facilities module). This list does NOT include regular locations found under the Account Settings tab. Only locations that are setup within the Facilities module appear in this list.
Priority Drop down of client determined priority levels The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.
  • Screen Name - TroubleTickets
  • List Name - Priority
Facility Type Drop down of options for designating Facility Type. The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.
  • Screen Name - TroubleTickets
  • List Name - FacilityType
Resolved By Drop down of options for designating the party who resolved the ticket. The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.
  • Screen Name - TroubleTickets
  • List Name - ResolvedBy
Router Type Type of routing equipment  
ISP Internet Service Provider  
Long Distance Test Info (#1, #2, #3) Test Call information for long distance issues. Provides areas to capture the type of call, from, to, Call time, message and results from traditional carriers.  
Repair/Dispatch Info - Contact Date Date Repair was contacted.  
Repair/Dispatch Info - Access Hours Repair hours of operation for correspondence  
Repair/Dispatch Info - Repair Rep Repair Rep name assigned to the ticket  
Repair/Dispatch Info - Test Results Repair test results  
Repair/Dispatch Info - Dispatch Repair Dispatch  
Repair/Dispatch Info - Commit Date/Time Repair commitment date for resolution / answer.  
Escalation Level Completely informational and defined by the client. Can be used in Reporting.

Determines the level of escalation for the trouble ticket
Multiple Escalation entries can be added. Levels are completely based on client data entry.

Can be used in reporting
Escalation To Corresponds to the Escalation Level and Date. Text box allowing a name to be entered for tracking purposes. Completely informational - these are not tied directly to TBS Users.

Can be used in reporting
Escalation Date Date the ticket was escalated. Can be used in reporting