How do I refund a credit card or ACH payment?

Search for the desired account

Use the Transactions quick link in the top right or select the Billing Information Tab.

Click next to the desired transaction to view Transactions details of the payment.

Depending on the payment processor setup, payment transactions may have the option to Credit This Payment when viewing the details of the payment.

If the Credit This Payment button is available, click it to credit the ACH or CC payment. Review the amount and click Complete. Confirmation of the refund or any error messages will appear.

This refund transaction must be Posted from Transaction Posting before it will apply to the account balance. See Transaction Processing Overview for more details about this process.

  • Credit Card / ACH payments can only be credited once.
  • Certain payment processors require a certain window of time to pass prior to allowing a refund to occur.
  • Only users with Accounting Admin rights have access to credit real time or batch Credit Card / ACH transactions.