2018-07 Joust Release
General - Enhancements & Bug Fixes
173879 - Only Show Billable Durations in Total of Call Detail
Previously, if an invoice was set to only show Billable calls in the Call Detail section of the invoice, the totals at the end would include all calls including free minutes. Since these free minute calls were not shown based on the Only Show Billable Calls flag, the call totals seemed incorrect based on the calls that did appear in this report. These totals have been updated to reflect only calls being shown.
Integrated Products - Enhancements & Bug Fixes
Charge & Plan Criteria Filtering
Clients now have the ability to set up groups of criteria that can then be applied to Charges & Plans to ensure that when adding these to a product, only the right set of Charges & Plans appear for selection.
Clients can setup filters based on the following properties:
- State
- Class Of Service
- Product Type
- Lk Service Types
- Billing Type
- Agent
- Customer
For example, if certain charges should only be available to products located in NY state, a NY criteria set can be created.
Criteria can then be added to a charge or plan from the Charge or Plan Inventory Record. This can be reached by navigating to Setup -> Products -> Charges -> Charges & Plans Inventory, and then selecting an inventory record from the grid.
The control to add criteria to a Charge or Plan appears at the bottom of an inventory record when the record is not being edited. Once added to the Charge or Plan, this would be available to add to any product with a location of NY, but not available for products in other states.
When adding Charges & Plans to voice products, the system determine the settings on that product to see what criteria it meets and filter the available list of Charges & Plans. Any Charges & Plans that have no criteria set will also be available. For location based criteria, the system will determine the location based on the LSO first, BTN next and then ProductID to determine the location and other settings of the product (i.e. State, RBOC, etc.).
TBS Now Supports Charge & Plan Packages
A package is a collection of Charges and Rate Plans bundled together for convenience. The allow clients to group up like Charges & Plans and then add them to the account all at one time. There is no limit to the number of items that can belong to a Package. Once added to a product, the contents of the package can be managed as individual items if desired. Packages can also be assigned Criteria to filter the Charges/Plans that can be added to that particular Package. If no Criteria is assigned to the package, there is no filter and any Charge or Plan can be added to the package.
Packages Admin Screen
The packages admin screen can be reached by navigating to Setup -> Products -> Charges -> Packages. A package can be selected from the grid, or a new one can be added using the “Add” button.
The description and product set can be set for a package. When these properties are not being edited, criteria and charges and plans can be added to or removed from a package.
When a package is copied, any criteria or charges and plans which are on the package will be copied as well. When added to a product, all items in the Package are added at once.
Adding Packages
Packages can be added to products from the Add Detail page.
To reach this page, navigate to a product, and then navigate to the Charges & Plans tab. From there, under the “All Charges & Plans” tab, click “Add New All Charges & Plans”. The addition of packages is only accessible when adding from the “All Charges & Plans” tab, not from the more specific tabs on this screen.
Another way to navigate to the Add Detail page is by, from a product page, clicking the green plus icon () next to the “Charges & Plans” header text in the right-side column.
On the Add Detail page, a few defaults can be set under the first step. These defaults will apply to charges and plans selected from packages the same way it would apply to charges and plans selected individually.
The packages quick add will allow you to select a package. Adding a package is the equivalent of adding all of the individual charges in the package. They will appear in the Add grid and can then be edited if desired. Individual Charges & Plans can be added in addition to those in the Package. Same as any Charge or Plan added whether individually or from the Package can be removed if desired.
177357 - TBS: Standard Rating Updates
Changes have been made to Standard Rating including field drops, field adds, and admin screen updates.
RateCode has been dropped from Standard Rate plans.
International Rate Code, Payphone Surcharge, Operator Surcharge, Outbound Toll Free Rate, and International Markup have all been added to Standard Rate plans.
Surcharge was dropped from Standard Details.
On the Standard Rate Plan admin screen, the detail grid has been converted to a batch edit grid, so several records can be added, updated, or deleted together. Messages have been added to indicate which message types allow a state or lata. If a state or lata is entered when not allowed, they will be cleared upon saving and the user will be notified. Any other changes will be saved normally.
Database Changes
These are the differences that will be made to your existing database when upgrading to version 48.00.
TBS Database (please see BillHistoryV2 changes in the next section)
The following fields will be dropped:
- rtStandardDetails.Surcharge
- rtStandardDetails.RateCode
- rtStandardDetailsView.Surcharge
- rtStandardDetailsView.RateCode
The following fields will be altered:
- -- BillOptions.ProduceBill IsNullable (True -> False)
- -- BillOptions.Cycle IsNullable (True -> False)
- -- BillOptions.Decimals IsNullable (True -> False)
- -- BillOptions.RoundUp IsNullable (True -> False)
- -- CustomerInformation.Cycle IsNullable (True -> False)
- -- CustomerInformation.Decimals IsNullable (True -> False)
- -- CustomerInformation.ProduceBill IsNullable (True -> False)
- -- InvoiceReviewView.Cycle IsNullable (True -> False)
- -- QuickbooksPaymentExportView.Cycle IsNullable (True -> False)
The following tables and views will be added:
- Criteria
- CriteriaView
- lkDetailCriteria
- PackageCriteria
- PackageLkDetails
- Packages
- PackagesView
The following fields will be added:
- Criteria.CriteriaKey
- Criteria.Description
- Criteria.State
- Criteria.ClassOfService
- Criteria.lkServiceTypesKey
- Criteria.AgentsKey
- Criteria.BillingType
- Criteria.CustomersKey
- Criteria.ProductFormsKey
- Criteria.DensityCell
- Criteria.RBOCDDGIKey
- CriteriaView.CriteriaKey
- CriteriaView.Description
- CriteriaView.State
- CriteriaView.RBOCDDGIKey
- CriteriaView.DensityCell
- CriteriaView.RBOC
- CriteriaView.ClassOfService
- CriteriaView.ClassOfServiceName
- CriteriaView.BillingType
- CriteriaView.BillingTypeName
- CriteriaView.lkServiceTypesKey
- CriteriaView.lkServiceTypesDescription
- CriteriaView.ProductFormsKey
- CriteriaView.ProductFormsDescription
- CriteriaView.AgentsKey
- CriteriaView.AgentName
- CriteriaView.AgentID
- CriteriaView.CustomersKey
- CriteriaView.CustomerName
- CriteriaView.CustomerAccount
- CustomerInformation.AgentID
- CustomerInformation.ParentAgentID
- Details.PackagesKey
- DetailsLkDetailsView.PackagesKey
- DetailsLkDetailsView.PackageDescription
- lkDetailCriteria.lkDetailCriteriaKey
- lkDetailCriteria.lkDetailsKey
- lkDetailCriteria.CriteriaKey
- PackageCriteria.PackageCriteriaKey
- PackageCriteria.PackagesKey
- PackageCriteria.CriteriaKey
- PackageLkDetails.PackageLkDetailsKey
- PackageLkDetails.PackagesKey
- PackageLkDetails.lkDetailsKey
- Packages.PackagesKey
- Packages.Description
- Packages.ProductFormGroupsKey
- Packages.CommissionsPlansKey
- Packages.CompanyKey
- PackagesView.PackagesKey
- PackagesView.Description
- PackagesView.ProductFormGroupsKey
- PackagesView.ProductFormGroupsName
- PackagesView.CommissionsPlansKey
- PackagesView.CommissionsPlansName
- ProductCombinedView.LSO
- ProductsAux_Voice.LSO
- rtStandard.InternationalRateCode
- rtStandard.PayphoneSurcharge
- rtStandard.OperatorSurcharge
- rtStandard.OutboundTollFreeRate
- rtStandard.INATMarkUp
- rtStandardView.PayphoneSurcharge
- rtStandardView.OperatorSurcharge
- rtStandardView.OutboundTollFreeRate
- rtStandardView.INATMarkUp
BillHistoryV2 Database Changes
The following fields are dropped:
- None
The following fields are altered:
- None
The following tables and views are added:
- None
The following fields are added:
- None