Customer Alerts, Warnings and Messages

When viewing a customer account, the page header displays information about the account. This information is generated as follows:

1. Customer Alerts - A Note flagged as an "Alert" Notification Level. Will show in a Red notification bar.

2. Specified rates - Shows if the account or product has Exception Codes tied to it.

3. Terminated Customer - system rule based on Customer Disconnect Date.  The Name and Account Number will appear in Red with a strike through as shown in the second screenshot.

4. Notes - A Note flagged as an "Info" Notification Level. Will show in a Blue notification bar.

5. Warnings - A Note flagged as a "Warning" Notification Level. Will show in an Orange notification bar.

6. Days Late Notice - System application setting that will show internal users and Customers when logged into the portal a red notice indicating the account is X days past due.

7. Account Verification Code - If the account has a value in the Account Verification Code field on the Customer Information tab, a red alert will indicate this and how the verification code value.


Customer Header information for Active Customer with all alerts and messages

Customer Header information for Disconnected Customer with all alerts and messages