Charges & Plans Inventory Field Definitions

Column Description  
ID Unique Identifier for the record - usually 6-20 characters  
Description Description used on the Invoice for the detail  
Product Set Allows the Detail to be added to a Product Set which aids in filtering and selection when adding details to a Product. The Product Set will drive whether this Detail is available for selection based on the Product Type of the Product being edited.  
Requires Approval If checked, only users with permissions to the module defined on the System-->Company Info page for approving Charges can set an active date on the record when adding to an account. The system will set a  
Recurring Yes or No flag to determine if the detail charge will recur as long as there is no Disconnect date that has past  
Billing Interval

Determines the frequency the Detail charge will invoice. Options include:

Calculation Type

When Calculation Type is set to Standard, the amount for that detail charge is based on the Interval Charge amount.

When Calculation Type is set to Percentage, the amount for that detail charge is calculated during billing as (The sum of all interval charges whose calculation type is Standard) * (The interval charge).

Interval Discount is then based upon the calculated Interval Charge. Activation Charge and Discount are unaffected by the calculation type

Trans Class/GL Code Used to apply General Ledger / Accounting codes to Charges and Plans. Can be used in reporting. Trans Classifications can be managed via the Setup-->Accounting & Invoicing menu
Interval Charge Transaction Type Drop down list of Transaction Taxing Types from Avalara. This Transaction Type will drive the corresponding Service Type drop down to refine the type of taxing that should apply to all interval charges this Detail record generates.

IMPORTANT: The combination of the Transaction Type and Service Type values map to a Avalara "trans serv" code. Please contact Precision for more information regarding these codes.
Applies to Avalara tax engine clients only
Interval Charge Service Type Driven by the Transaction Type drop down selection, this will provide a list of Service Tax Types that should be applied to the interval charges this Detail record generates.

IMPORTANT: The combination of the Transaction Type and Service Type values map to a Avalara "trans serv" code. Please contact Precision for more information regarding these codes.
Applies to Avalara tax engine clients only
Interval Charge Product Code Drop down list of Taxing Types from CSI. This Type will drive the corresponding Service Code drop down to refine the type of taxing that should apply to all interval charges this Detail record generates.

IMPORTANT: The combination of the Product Code and Service Code values map to a CSI tax set. Please contact Precision for more information regarding these codes.
Applies to CSI tax engine clients only
Interval Charge Service Code Driven by the Product Code drop down selection, this will provide a list of Service Codes that should be applied to the interval charges this Detail record generates.

IMPORTANT: The combination of the Product Code and Service Code values map to a CSI tax set. Please contact Precision for more information regarding these codes.
Applies to CSI tax engine clients only
Interval Charge Charge that will be applied each time the detail record bills according to the Billing Interval  
Interval Discount Percentage discount that may be applied to an Interval Charge if desired  
Interval Cost Optional place for tracking Interval Cost at the Inventory level.
Note: This can be overridden at the product level for each customer if desired.
Activation Charge Transaction Type Drop down list of Transaction Taxing Types from Avalara This Transaction Type will drive the corresponding Service Type drop down to refine the type of taxing that should apply to all activation charges this Detail record generates.

IMPORTANT: The combination of the Transaction Type and Service Type values map to a Avalara"trans serv" code. Please contact Precision for more information regarding these codes.
Applies to Avalara tax engine clients only
Activation Charge Service Type Driven by the Transaction Type drop down selection, this will provide a list of Service Tax Types that should be applied to the activation charges this Detail record generates.

IMPORTANT: The combination of the Transaction Type and Service Type values map to a Avalara "trans serv" code. Please contact Precision for more information regarding these codes.
Applies to Avalara tax engine clients only
Activation Charge Product Code Drop down list of Product Codes from CSI. This Product Code will drive the corresponding Service Code drop down to refine the type of taxing that should apply to all activation charges this Detail record generates.

IMPORTANT: The combination of the Product Code and Service Code values map to a CSI tax set. Please contact Precision for more information regarding these codes.
Applies to CSI tax engine clients only
Activation Charge Service Code Driven by the Product Code drop down selection, this will provide a list of Service Codes that should be applied to the activation charges this Detail record generates.

IMPORTANT: The combination of the Product Code and Service Code values map to a CSI tax set. Please contact Precision for more information regarding these codes.
Applies to CSI tax engine clients only
Activation Charge Charge amount (if any) that will be applied the first time the detail charge is initiated. This is a one-time initiation charge.  
Activation Discount Percentage discount that may be applied to an Activation Charge if desired  
Activation Cost Optional place for tracking Activation Cost at the Inventory level.
Note: This can be overridden at the product level for each customer if desired.
Plan Type Optional drop down that is used to tie charges to Rate plans or Free Minute plans. If a Plan Type is selected, a Plan MUST also be selected to point to a rate plan for a Free Minute plan.

IMPORTANT: This field combined with the Plan field will apply the selected Plan to the Product this detail is attached to.
Plan Driven by the Plan Type drop down. If the Plan Type has been selected, values in this drop down will be filled based on the Plan Type selected (i.e., LD Rates, Local Rates, Free Minute Plans, etc.).

IMPORTANT: This field combined with the Plan Type field will apply the selected Plan to the Product this detail is attached to.
Commissionable Yes or No flag determining if the Detail record should be considered in the Commission process  
Commission Plan Drop down of commission plans that should apply to this Detail record  
Service Category Used in conjunction with the Service Category report (found on the Invoicing tab). Drop down of Categories that will be used to group charges together within this invoice report.  
Print Priority Determines placement on the Invoice. Defaults to 0.  
Carrier Carrier for the product traffic Carrier values can be maintained via the Carriers Maintenance tool available from Setup -->Provisioning menu
Carrier Account Number Account Number corresponding  
Carrier Disconnect Date Date product is disconnected at the carrier  
Used for CDR Credits If checked, this detail record will be used for CDR credits tied to a product. These may be system generated if a Call Credit is requested and a Detail record doesn't already exist with the requested Trans and Serv type combination.  
Available Start Date Used to indicate if the detail charge/plan is available to add to products.  
Available End Date Used to indicate if the detail charge/plan is available to add to products.