Voice Services - Traditional Products

The Voice Services tab is a combination tab that will provide access to Local and Long Distance lines. If a product has both Local and Long Distance, each portion of that line can be accessed via the "View" links within the grid in the corresponding "Local Info" or "LD Info" columns as seen below. A product may only have one portion of the line setup (i.e., Local only or LD only). In this case, the column would read "N/A" in the product column not used (also seen below).

Note: Depending upon system settings, "Add" buttons for LD or Local may not be available on this tab and new products must be added through the Orders module.

Note: For clients that only sell Long Distance or only sell Local, the Voice Services tab will not be used and there will be an individual product tab for either Local or Long Distance. The details of the products remain the same.

Voice Services Grid Column Details:

Field Description
WTN: Working Telephone Number
BTN: Billing Telephone Number
Location: Location code corresponding to the product. Both Local / LD portions must be tied to the same location code.
Local Info link: Link to Local Service details screen
Status Local line status
CircuitID Information field that may contain a circuitID
ActiveDate Local line Active Date
DiscoDate Local line Disconnect Date
State State for the local line according to an npanxx lookup
RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company indicator
LD Info link Link to LD Service details screen
Status LD line status
Action LD Provisioning Action (used with long distance provisioning)
Plan LD rate plan name
Codes Account Codes indicator
Inter Rate Inter state per min rate
Intra Rate Intra state per min rate
Carrier LD Carrier name
CIC LD Carrier Identification Code
PICC Primary InterChange Charge fee amount
Last Inter Call Date Date of last received IntERstate call on the LD line
Last Intra Call Date Date of last received IntRAstate call on the LD line
RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company indicator
Hunt Seq Hunt Sequence for Local Lines

Local Service Detail Information

USOCs & Charges Information

Long Distance Service Detail Information