Trouble Tickets

How do I get here?

Tickets ► Inventory ► Select ticket
Tickets ► Tree ► Find button
Tickets ► Tree ► Use Tree View
Customers Module ► Trouble Tickets tab ► Select order

**Note: Legacy Trouble Tickets are being replaced by the Task Management System for Tickets. See more information here


Trouble Tickets are designed to track Work Orders and Product trouble tickets in TBS. Each product type has its own set of trouble ticket fields to capture pertinent information for that product.

TBS Supports Trouble Tickets for:

  • Long Distance
  • Local
  • Long Distance & Local Combined
  • Internet
  • Cable
  • Dedicated
  • Wireless
Security Trouble Tickets Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here

Trouble Ticket Tab

Trouble Ticket Screen

Navigation back to the customer can occur by using the Go To Customer button in the top right corner.

Trouble Ticket Product Type Screenshots:

Work Order

Dedicated Trouble Ticket

Long Distance Trouble Ticket

Local Trouble Ticket

Local/LD Trouble Ticket

Internet Trouble Ticket

Cable Trouble Ticket

Toll Free Trouble Ticket

Wireless Trouble Ticket