Free Plans (Defining Amount of Free Time)

How do I get here? Setup ► Provisioning ► Products ► Free Plans ► Free Plans

This is the first step in setting up Free time for customers. TBS supports a wide variety of free plans. The Free plans are built by first selecting the type of traffic that will be free (i.e., Calls & Minutes, Fax messages, etc.).

Additionally, the Free Plan can be flagged as being Shared which is supported at the Product level, the Customer level and the Location level. More details are below.

TBS supports a variety of Free Plan types:

  • Fax Messages
  • Fax Sheets
  • Voice Calls & Minutes
  • SMS/Data Messages & Megs

Once the Free Amount Plan defining the free amount is setup, it can then be tied together with a Free Bundle plan using the Free Plan Bundles tool.

Security Maintenance Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions See below

Free Plans Inventory - TBS can support as many free amount plans as desired. See the inventory screenshot below.

Free Plan Detail - The free plan defines the type of free item as well as the amount of free time the plan should include. Plans can also be defined as Shared or not.

Type of Units: TBS supports a variety of Free Plan types. Plan data fields will change based on the type of units selected.

  • Faxes & Sheets - allows free time for both sending and/or receiving entire faxes or per sheet.

  • Voice Calls & Minutes - allows free time to be applied per call and / or per minute.

  • Data Messages & Megs - allows free time to be applied per data message and / or per meg.

Applying the Plan to a Product - Once the Free Plan defining the free amount is setup, it can then be tied together with a Free Bundle plan using the Free Plan Bundles tool. This Free Plan Bundle can then be tied to a product after it is tied to a Charge & Plan Inventory record and added to a product.

Data Field Definitions

Field Name Definition Notes
Description Short description for the free plan amount.  
Type of Units

TBS supports a variety of Free Plan types. Fields hide/show based on this selection.

  • Fax Messages
  • Fax Sheets
  • Voice Calls & Minutes
  • SMS/Data Messages & Megs
Accumulate Used with the Shared selection to accumulate minutes. i.e., if checked, 5 products each have a 1000 min accumlate plan. Results in 5000 total mins. If not accumulated, they share a 1000 min plan.  
Unlimited Sheets
Unlimited Minutes
Unlimited Megs
Depends on Type of Units selected. Indicates all Units of associated type are Free  
Unlimited Faxes
Unlimited Calls
Unlimited Messages
Depends on Type of Units selected. Indicates all  Units of associated type are Free  
Free Sheets
Free Minutes
Free Megs
Depends on Type of Units selected. Specific amount of Units to provide for Free.  
Free Faxes
Free Calls
Free Messages
Depends on Type of Units selected. Specific amount of Units to provide for Free.  

Different options for sharing minutes. To share, the SAME plan must be added to each product. Options include;

  • CorpAccount Level - Applies to accounts in a Corp / Sub structure that each have the same shared plan. Can span across all accounts within the same Corp/Sub structure.
  • Product Level - Applies to the single product only.
  • Customer Level - Can share across multiple products on the same customer regardless of location
  • Customer Level Auto Include Children - Can be shared across multiple Parent Products regardless of location and will automatically apply to any child products under the Parent Product that has this type of plan tied to it. No need to tie the free plan to every child. This also supports Accumulate at the Parent Product level.
  • Location Level - Can share across multiple products, but only if they are on the same location. This allows multiple locations to have individual shared plans.