EFax Plans

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EFax plans are available for usage based fax services where a fax usage feed is processed by TBS. It allows clients to rate fax usage by page or by sheet for both outgoing and incoming faxes.

Once a rate plan is setup, it should be tied to a Charge & Plan record and then can be added to a Product.

For Free Fax usage, be sure to review the Free Plans help topic.

Security Maintenance Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here


The EFax Rate Plan consists allows rate plans to be setup based on Per Fax and/or Per Sheet or page within an EFax. It also supports rating for both Sending and Receiving. The example below shows a rate plan setup to charge $0.20 per sheet sent and $0.20 per sheet received.

Once the EFax plan is created, it can be tied to a Charge & Plan Inventory record and added to the EFax product.


Data Field Definitions

Field Name Definition Notes
  • Rate Code
  • User Defined rate code  
    Description User defined description of the rate  
    Per Fax Rates One for "Send" and one for "Received".  This rate is applied to each Fax record processed.  This would be similar to a "Per Call" rate.  
    Per Sheet Rates. One for "Send" and one for "Received".  This rate is applied to each Page of a fax, similar to a "Per Minute" rate