Local Rate Plans

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Local rate plans are designed to manage local (non-toll) usage traffic rates. Local rates include Local, Extended Area of Service and Extended Local Calls.

Additionally, local rate plans provide access to mange local surcharge rates as well such as Local Directory Assistance, Local 3-Way Calling, etc.

These tools provide access to manage all local rate plans for usage based products.

Once a rate plan is setup, it should be tied to a Charge & Plan record and then can be added to a Product.

Security Maintenance Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here

Local Rate Plans Inventory - TBS can support as many local rate plans as desired. See the inventory screenshot below.

Local Rate Plan Detail - The local rate plan drives a great deal of information in regards to rating local calls. This rate plan will control all local (non-toll) rating as well as have areas to define rates for Extended Local Calling and Extended Area of Service.

Rate plans can be setup to rate in 3 ways:

1 - By Call - This will allow calls to be rated per call regardless of the length of the call.

2 - By Minute - This will allow calls to be rated per minute only.

3 - By Call and Minute - This will allow calls to be rate per minute in addition to a rate per call. Both rates would apply.

Local LD Toll Rate - Occasionally, Long Distance traffic an come through the local feed if a carrier provides both local and long distance service. If the rating system determines that a call is truly a LD Toll call and not a true Local call, the system needs instruction on how best to rate that call. Options include:

  1. Rate As Long Distance - will use the LD rates defined on the product
  2. Use Local Rates - will allow entry for LD Toll Rate and Increments to be entered on the Local rate plan
  3. Special Handling for Resale - Requires custom development work by Precision to implement an alternate rating method.

Special Call Rates (a.k.a. Surcharges) - Local Special Call Rates are defined on the Local Rate plan for items that typically incur an additional one-time charge per occurrence. i.e., Directory Assistance, Three-Way Calling, Payphone Surcharge. These types of charges can come through both the Local CDR feed and the Long Distance CDR feed, so it is very important to setup these Special Call Rates on all plans.

Applying the Plan to a Product - Once the plan is created, it can be tied to a Charge & Plan Inventory record and added to a product.

Data Field Definitions

Field Name Definition Notes

Rate Code

Unique rate plan name  
Rate Description Short description of the rate plan.  
Rate Local By

Determines how to rate Local usage. Options include:

  1. By Call - rates are per call regardless of length of call
  2. By Minute - rates are per minute
  3. By Call & Min - rates are both per call and per minute
Selection will show/hide fields.
Rate Method Internal Use Only  
EAS Rate to be applied for a special local type called Extended Area of Service.  
ELC Rate to be applied for a special local type called Extended Local Calling.  
Per Call Rating
Rate Per Call Band 1, 2, 3,4 & 5

The per call rate that should be applied. If Bands are not supported, the same rate should be entered into each Band textbox.

"Bands" are used only in traditional POTs local rating typically indicating mileage bands or the distance to the Local Service Office for telephone service delivery.

Per Minute Rating
Measured Min Incr

Indicates the minimum measure of time used to calculate the duration of each call.

Min=60 - Any call length will bill at a minimum 60 seconds regardless if under 60 seconds.

Measured Add Incr Indicates the incremental measures of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Init Rate Per Minute Band 1, 2, 3,4 & 5

The initial per minute rate that should be applied. If Bands are not supported, the same rate should be entered into each Band textbox.

"Bands" are used only in traditional POTs local rating typically indicating mileage bands or the distance to the Local Service Office for telephone service delivery.

Addl Rate Per Minute Band 1, 2, 3,4 & 5

The additional per minute rate that should be applied. If Bands are not supported, the same rate should be entered into each Band textbox.

"Bands" are used only in traditional POTs local rating typically indicating mileage bands or the distance to the Local Service Office for telephone service delivery.

Local LD Toll Rating
Rate LD Toll By

Determines how to handle LD Toll traffic that may appear in a Local usage feed. Options include:

  1. Rate As Long Distance - will use the LD rates defined on the product
  2. Use Local Rates - will allow entry for LD Toll Rate and Increments to be entered on the Local rate plan
  3. Special Handling for Resale - Requires custom development work by Precision to implement an alternate rating method.
LD Toll Rate Used with "Use Local Rates" Rate by LD Toll selection. Indicates the LD Toll Rate to be applied.  
LD Min Incr

Used with "Use Local Rates" Rate by LD Toll selection.

Indicates the minimum measure of time used to calculate the duration of each call.

LD Add Incr

Used with "Use Local Rates" Rate by LD Toll selection.

Indicates the incremental measures of time used to calculate the duration of each call.

Special Call Rates
National DA Rate Special one-time rate for National Directory Assistance calls  
DA Regular Rate Special one-time rate for Local Directory Assistance calls  
DA Call Completion Rate Special one-time rate for Local Directory Assistance Call Completions  
Operator Assisted Rate Special one-time rate for Operator Assisted calls  
Operator Assist Per Minute Rate Special per minute rate for Operator Assisted calls  
Busy Redial Rate Special one-time rate for Busy Redial requests  
Three Way Calling Rate Special one-time rate for 3-Way calls  
Call Return Rate Special one-time rate for Call Return Requests  
Call Trace Rate Special one-time rate for Call Trace Requests  
Collect Call Rate Special one-time rate for Collect calls  
Collect Per Minute Rate Special per minute rate for Collect calls  
Verify Interrupt Rate Special one-time rate for Verify Interrupt calls  
Verify Busy Rate Special one-time rate for Verify Busy calls