Products Auxiliary Information

Each Product Type in the system may be designed to support additional "Aux" or Auxiliary information specifically designed for that product. This allows additional information to be stored in TBS that may not necessarily be used in the billing system. These auxiliary fields will appear on the Product tab when adding/editing basic product information. Please be sure to review the Basic Product Information Data Fields as well.

Auxiliary screens show and hide based on the Product Type selection when setting up a Product. Below are sample Auxiliary screens that are currently available along with the Data Definitions for each Product Type.

Voice Services Auxiliary Information

Used for all standard and VoIP voice lines (i.e., Local, Long Distance, VoIP, Toll Free, etc.). Note: Service Type and Line Type may hide/show fields for that particular type. Ex. Line Type=Wireless, additional Wireless fields will appear. Same with Travel Card.

Field Definition Notes
Service Type

Designates the type of voice service for the product.

Options in this drop down may vary depending upon the Product Type selected from the top Basic Product Information section. Current options include:

  • DID
  • ISDN BRI Multi Line Busi
  • ISDN BRI Resi
  • ISDN BRI Single Line Busi
  • Multi Line Busi
  • New (for 8xx)
  • Non Primary Resi
  • Non Primary Resi Centrex
  • Payphone
  • Portable
  • Primary Busi Centrex
  • Primary Resi
  • Primary Resi Centrex
  • Secondary Busi Centrex
  • Single Line Busi
  • Vanity Request
  • VoIP
  • VoIP 8xx

Will auto-populate the PICC or Toll Free Storage surcharge amount if setup by the client.

Will have taxing impacts for usage based products. Please be sure to review the Taxing in TBS guide

Provisioning Method    
BTN Billing Telephone Number Will have taxing impacts for usage based products. Please be sure to review the Taxing in TBS guide
Inbound Rate Tier Optional: Used in inbound rating. If selected, rating will consider the call tier and use the inbound rate tied to the corresponding tier on the Inbound rate plan tied to the product.  
Class of Service Designation for Business or Residential Does not have taxing impacts. Business and Residential flags are pulled from the Account level. Please be sure to review the Taxing in TBS guide

Used to store the PICC or the Toll Free Storage Fee.

Automatically populated based on the Service Type selection if the client has this information setup in the system
Ported In Informational checkbox used to indicate if the productID was ported from another carrier  
Area of Service Applies to Toll Free Service Types. Informational only and indicates the service area for calling.  
Resp Org Responsible Organization for the Toll Free number.

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from the Setup-->System Menu.

Screen Name = RespOrg

Send to LEC Used in Care Provisioning to send information on to the Local Exchange Carrier  
Block International Used in Care Provisioning to block international at the carrier level  
Account Code Length Used in Care Provisioning to define Account Code length  
Verify Account Code Used in Care Provisioning to indicate if Verified Account Codes are in use  
Account Code Table ID ID of the Account Code table on file with the Carrier  
PIC Frozen Informational Indicator whether the line is PIC Frozen with the carrier. Informational only.  
PIC Freeze ID Confirmation ID for on file PIC Freeze  
Hunting Sequence Indicates the hunt group set up at the carrier for distributing phone call. Available when the service type is used for Local or Long Distance services, but not on service types that refer to Toll-Free, Voicemail, or Calling Card services.
Device Name Informational only - used to track the device's name. Automatically populated using the Display Name on the Local screen in the Devices section (when clients are converted from traditional to integrated product).

Avalara Taxing Engine E911 Tax Fields

* please see recommendations at the bottom of table for calculating these counts

E911 Service Type Counts: Line Type

Enhanced 911 (E911) is a system used in North America that links emergency callers with the appropriate public resources.

E911 fees are captured on products that are able to make outbound calls to access this E911 system to help build out the infrastructure. E911 tax ability is determined based on the Line Type selected along with the counts listed below (Lines, Trunks, Extensions, Outbound Channels).

Depending on the Line Type selected, certain count textboxes will be enabled or disabled.

TBS will use the Line Type selected along with the counts designated in the next 4 fields and send these to the taxing engine where it will determine the E911 taxing that should be applied. Other factors such as jurisdiction, etc. could be considered in this calculation.

It is STRONGLY suggested that the client review all products with their tax advisers for advice on the proper line type selections and counts.

Will have taxing impacts for usage based products. Please be sure to review the Taxing in TBS guide
E911 Service Type Counts: Line Count Enabled based on the Line Type selected. Designates the number of lines that should be considered for E911 taxing. Can be set to 0 or any number greater than 0. Will have taxing impacts for usage based products. Please be sure to review the Taxing in TBS guide
E911 Service Type Counts: Trunks Count Enabled based on the Line Type selected. Used in conjunction with Trunk type products. Designates the number of trunks that should be considered for E911 taxing. Can be set to 0 or any number greater than 0. Will have taxing impacts for usage based products. Please be sure to review the Taxing in TBS guide
E911 Service Type Counts: Extensions Count Enabled based on the Line Type selected. Used in conjunction with Extension type products. Designates the extension count that should be considered for E911 taxing. Can be set to 0 or any number greater than 0. Will have taxing impacts for usage based products. Please be sure to review the Taxing in TBS guide
E911 Service Type Counts: Outbound Channels Count Enabled based on the Line Type selected. Designates the number of outbound channels that should be considered for E911 taxing. Can be set to 0 or any number greater than 0. Will have taxing impacts for usage based products. Please be sure to review the Taxing in TBS guide

CSI Taxing Engine E911 Fields

*please see recommendations at the bottom of table for calculating these counts

Count Enabled based on the Line Type selected. Designates the count that should be considered for E911 taxing based on the Line type selected. Can be set to 0 or any number greater than 0.  
First Call System filled dates based on CDR usage processed by the billing system.  
Last Call System filled dates based on CDR usage processed by the billing system.  
Name on Card

The name that appears on the Calling Card.

Shows for Service Type = Calling Card.
Number of Cards The number of calling cards issues for this product ID. Shows for Service Type = Calling Card.
Card PIN The PIN tied to the calling card. Shows for Service Type = Calling Card.
Service Area Service Area information for State, Local RBOC, LD RBOC and Density Cell will appear for Voice products after the product is saved.  
Conference Calling Fields
Moderator Name The name of the conference calling moderator. Only appears when Product Type and Service Type are set to Conference Calling. For informational purposes only.
Moderator Email The email address of the conference calling moderator. Only appears when Product Type and Service Type are set to Conference Calling. For informational purposes only.

**E911 Taxing Calculation Notes are below. Please be sure to consult your own tax compliance service to verify these calculations apply to your business.

NOTE: There is no "upper" limit on a High Cap Trunk. If it's >=24 it will always be 1 regardless.

Avalara Taxing Engine

  • If Channel count >=24, line type=Voip High Capacity. Trunk count=1, Outbound channels count=Quantity of Channels
  • If Channel count <24 line type=VoIP PBX Trunk, Trunk count=1, Outbound channel count=quantity of Channels
  • For all DIDs under a Trunk, line type is Extension and extension count=1
  • For any stand alone VoIP line, line type="VoIP", Line count=1
  • For any stand alone DID that cannot make an outbound call to E911, line type="VoIP DID No E911"

CSI Taxing Engine

  • If Channel count >=24, line type=Voip High Capacity. Count=1
  • If Channel count <24 line type=VoIP PBX Trunk, Count=1
  • For all DIDs under a Trunk, line type="VoIP DID No E911"
  • For any stand alone VoIP line, line type="VoIP", Count=1
  • For any stand alone DID that cannot make an outbound call to E911, line type="VoIP DID No E911"

Dedicated Services Auxiliary Information

Used for all Dedicated products (i.e., MPLS, Circuits, DSL, etc.). Additional fields will hide/show based on the Circuit Type.

Field Definition Notes
Circuit Type Designation for the type of dedicated circuit type. Includes several options which may also show / hide additional fields based on their selection.

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Dedicated
  • List Name =CircuitType

Both "OC3" & "Pt-toPt" values should not be changed as they drive additional functionality on the screen.

Service Type Designation for the service type of dedicated circuit.

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Dedicated
  • List Name =ServiceType
Street Circuit Street address  
City Circuit City name  
State Circuit State name  
LEC Circuit ID ID name on file with the LEC - informational only  
LEC Billing ID Billing ID on file with the LEC - informational only  
Circuit ID (B) For Pt-to-Pt & OC3 Circuit Types. Circuit ID for 2nd location.  
Street (B) For Pt-to-Pt & OC3 Circuit Types. Street address for 2nd location Circuit  
City (B) For Pt-to-Pt & OC3 Circuit Types. City name for 2nd location Circuit  
State (B) For Pt-to-Pt & OC3 Circuit Types. State name for 2nd location Circuit  
LEC Circuit ID (B) For Pt-to-Pt & OC3 Circuit Types. ID name on file with the LEC for 2nd location Circuit  
LEC Billing ID (B) For Pt-to-Pt & OC3 Circuit Types. Billing ID on file with the LEC for 2nd location Circuit  
NPANXX (B) For Pt-to-Pt & OC3 Circuit Types. NPANXX for 2nd location Circuit  
Protocol For DS1 & DS3 Circuit Types: Informational designation of the protocol used.

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Dedicated
  • List Name =DS3Protocol
StartID DS1 Start ID  
EndID DS1 End ID  
Line Coding DS1 Line Code Framing information  
Signaling DS1 Signaling information  
CLLI Point Code Customer Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) Customer  
CLLI Point Code Carrier Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) Carrier  
Trunk Group Trunk Group (informational only)  
Trunk Group Config    
Contact Circuit point of contact name  
Contact Phone Circuit point of contact phone number  
Contact Email Circuit point of contact email address  
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network designation  
Feature Group D Dedicated Feature Group  
Expedite Expedite at the Carrier level

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Dedicated
  • List Name =Expedite
Slot Assignment Dedicated Slot Assignment  
Gateway Dedicated Gateway information  
Subnet Mask Subnet Mask information  
Number of IPs Number of IPs  

Customer LAN

Customer Local Area Network information  
WAN Block Wide Area Networking Block information  
LEC Local Exchange Carrier  
Circuit Facility Assignment: Assignment Customer Facility Assignment Assignment  
Circuit Facility Assignment: Contact Customer Facility Assignment Contact  
Circuit Facility Assignment: Phone Customer Facility Assignment Phone  
Circuit Facility Assignment: Email Customer Facility Assignment Email  
Service Description Services Description at the Carrier  
Disconnect Date Disconnect Date set at the Carrier. May be different than product disconnect date  

Internet Services Auxiliary Information

Used for all Internet products. Additional fields will hide/show based on the Type.

Field Definition Notes
Type Designation for the type of Internet service being offered.(i.e., DSL, Web Hosting, etc.)

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Internet
  • List Name =Type
Circuit ID Internet Circuit ID  
BTN Billing Telephone Number  
Modem MAC Media Access Control (MAC) address for Modem equipment  
Computer MAC Media Access Control (MAC) address for computer equipment  
ISP Options for designating the Internet Service Provider

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Lists from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Internet
  • List Name =ISP
DSL Type Options for designating the DSL Type (i.e., ADSL, IDSL, etc.)

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Lists from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Internet
  • List Name =DSLType
DSL Phone Number    
Speed Options for designating Internet Speed

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Internet
  • List Name =Speed

Default options include:

  • HDLC
  • PPP

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Internet
  • List Name =Encapsulation

Default options include:

  • On
  • Off

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Internet
  • List Name =DHCP
Web Host Web Host Name  
Gateway Internet Gateway  
Subnet Mask IP Subnet Mask information  
Number of IPs Number of IPs for the product  
IP Range IP Information  
Customer Usable IP Range IP Information  
Quote Number Internal quote number - informational only  
PON Number Purchase Order Number from the vendor  
Pedestal ID ID associated with the equipment pedestal  

VoIP Extension Services Auxiliary Information

Used for all VoIP Extension products

Field Definition Notes
First Name First Name attached to the extension  
Last Name Last Name attached to the extension  
Caller ID Name Caller ID Name that should show  
Caller ID Number Caller ID Number that should be displayed for outbound calls  

Cable Services Auxiliary Information

Used for Cable products. No usage component is available.

Field Definition Notes
Pedestal ID Unique ID for the Cable wire Pedestal box  
Box ID ID assigned to the Cable Box  

Voicemail Auxiliary Information

Used for Voicemail services. No usage component is available.

Field Defintion Notes
Access Number PIN number to access voicemail box  
Email Email address attached to the voicemail product to receive notifications  
Passcode Password tied to the voicemail account.  

Devices Auxiliary Information

Used for Devices / Equipment services. No usage component is available.

Field Definition Notes
Serial ID Serial Number on the Device or Equipment  
Storage Area Location for storage. i.e., Warehouse

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Blank
  • List Name =StorageAreas
Stock Date The date the device was put into stock  
Supplier The supplier name or vendor name

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Blank
  • List Name =Suppliers
Reference ID Reference Number for the Device  
Manufacturer Maker or Manufacturer of the Device

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Blank
  • List Name =Manufacturers
Model Model name of the Device

The options can be maintained by choosing Drop Down Menus from System Administration.

  • Screen Name = Blank
  • List Name =DeviceModels
Firmware Version Version of the firmware installed on the Device