2017-07 Mallard Release
- General TBS - Enhancements & Bug Fixes
- Integrated Products - Enhancements & Bug Fixes
- Quote Request / Ticket Tasks - Enhancements & Bug Fixes
- REST API - Enhancements & Bug Fixes
- Database Changes
General TBS - Enhancements & Bug Fixes
89249 - Invoicing Tab: Hide / disable payment rule overrides checkboxes if no payment rules are enable
On the Invoicing tab of a customer's page, the three checkboxes at the bottom of the form ("Prevent Surcharge from Payment Rule", "Allow Payments Before Minimum Number of Days on Payment Rule", and "Allow Payments Over Minimum Amount For Rejecting Payments") will be visible dependent on whether a payment rule exists corresponding to each option.
This is done to avoid confusion when payment rules are not in use.
- If no payment rule exists specifying a surcharge, the checkbox labeled "Prevent Surcharge from Payment Rule" will be hidden.
- If no payment rule exists specifying a minimum number of days between payments, the checkbox labeled "Allow Payments Before Minimum Number of Days on Payment Rule" will be hidden.
- If no payment rule exists specifying a minimum amount for rejecting payments, the checkbox labeled "Allow Payments Over Minimum Amount For Rejecting Payments" will be hidden.
135600 - New Miscellaneous Charge applied to everything except Internet
A new calculation type was added to the Miscellaneous Charges screen with a description of "Percentage of ALL Charges except Internet". This calculation type is available for and made it an option for "Auto Applied Misc Charge" and "Auto Applied Misc Fee" respectively.
137557 - Agents column added to Customers Inventory Grid
An Agents column has been added to the Customers Inventory grid. This replaces the MastersID, SalesID, and SubID columns previously shown in some versions of the portal.
The Agents column on the customers grid will list the agent id(s) of the agents which are connected to the customer and listed on the customer information page.
139187 - Customer Note Search
(*Applies only to Clients who have Notes)
For larger clients with a high quantity of Notes, the "Notes" option in the Customers menu and the "All Notes" option in the Reports menu can be hidden with an application setting called "HideNotesInventoryMenuOptions". This was done for performance reason. All Notes are still available at the Customer record level.
138747 - Add fields from Notes table to NotesView
(*Applies only to Clients who have Notes)
Custom fields for Service Item and Issue Item have been added to the database NotesView. This applies only to clients using these fields and utlizing the database view.
139152 - Legacy Commissions Bug: Error adding an adjustment
A bug surfaces on the legacy commissions Adjustment screen. This has been fixed.
135599 - Bug: Filter - Hitting Enter on a Filter redirected back to Customer Search
Fixed a bug where hitting enter after setting up a grid filter would initiate the previous customer button if you were on the customer screen and not apply the filter. Now after entering a filter hitting the enter button should apply the filter. The previous customer button now must be specifically clicked if you wish to view the previous customer.
Integrated Products - Enhancements & Bug Fixes
136547 - Carrier Of Record - Add to Product Level
A new "Carrier of Record" drop down has been added to Integrated Product and is shown in the Products Inventory grid.
In addition, the Carrier Inventory detail page has a new tab which shows all a list of Products that are "Carrier of Record Products"
Carrier of Record is meant to show which Carrier "owns" the Product (phone number). For example, on Phone Numbers or DID lines, the Carrier of Record would be set to the LEC or Provider that provided the number.
Carrier of Record is informational only and NOT used for any Care Provisioning. All provisioning activity is driven by the Carrier information set on Charge & Plan Inventory records.
90808 - Inventory Replicate - link back to product after save Development
Products support a Replicate Product from Inventory action that will copy the inventory product settings including all charges & plans and apply them to new product ID(s). Previously, if a product was copied from Inventory to an existing account you weren't provided a link back to the account after the replicate was complete. This process has been updated to now provide a link to return back to the original customer which will show up at the bottom of the notification which appears. If this screen is navigated to through the products screen instead of through a customer screen, there will be no such link.
134347 - Set Default Filter on Product & Charges Inventory to have Available = "True"
The Charges and Plans inventory screen now only shows details that are available by default.
138968 - Bug: Support for Call Credits with more than 2 decimal places
CDR credits are now rounded to the appropriate number of digits (2 by default) upon creation.
138970 - Bug: Cannot delete CDR credits
CDR credit product charges can now be deleted, as long as they have not yet billed.
139218 - Bug: Wholesale customers cannot access ANI or TF
Previously, users needed Maintenance access to view the Product screen since it contained Term information. This was preventing Wholesale customers from viewing their products via the Wholesale portal. The permission module for Terms has been changed from Maintenance to ProductsAdmin for better alignment with other product-related permission modules.
134346 - Bug: Location Search Box on Products
Fixed the search box on products to now properly search for and display locations.
134357 - Bug: Mass Updating Products with diverse Block International values errors
Fixed a bug where editing multiple products with different values for the Block International checkbox would cause an error when trying to save the products.
Task Ticket / Quote Requests - Enhancements & Bug Fixes
The Task Management infrastructure is being enhanced and expanded with each release. Please see all the new updates below that will apply to Quote Requests
111008 - Tasks: Test Data Short Result and Test Type
The aux tests section is available for use on task types that have it enabled via the Enable Aux Tests check box on the task type. The test data contains two fields (Short Result and Test Type) that are filled from the drop down lists setup screen. The two list names that correspond to these fields are ShortResult and TestType.
138780 - Tasks Submitted By: Expand to show Company name and UserID
The Submitted By drop down on tasks will now display the users full name along with their userID in this format: FullName (UserID) so there should no longer be any records in the drop down that appear as duplicates.
139249 - Add Router Type and ISP to Task Summary screen
Two new text fields, ISP and Router Type, have been added to the trouble tickets section of the Tasks screen. These fields are also represented on the task summary tab. The Enable_TroubleAux must be turned on at the Task Type level for this section to appear on a Task.
112656 - Task Type Field Display: Edit, Visibility & Label customization for Task Type fields
Tasks support the ability to Hide, Show, Disable and Relabel fields on a Task Type. A Field Overrides grid tool has been added to the Task Types edit page so that TBS users can manage these records.
This grid allow TBS users to override the default settings for task-related fields in TBS. Users will be able to override the names of fields and determine whether or not fields are editable, visible, or required.
The grid on task types shows all of the Field Overrides (T4ValidationPermOverrides) records that are associated with the current task type. The table name and field name fields are required. Users can choose the table from a drop down with the following options:
- -Tasks
- -TasksAux_Development
- -TasksAux_Orders
- -TasksAux_QuoteRequests
- -TasksAux_Tests
- -TasksAux_Troubles
Please be sure to work with your Client Solutions Expert to manage these settings.
137562 - Task Summary Page Updates
Tasks summary page is accessed by going to a task page and navigating to the "Task Summary" tab. Before, the fields visible on the Task Summary page were not always the same as the fields visible when editing a task. Also, the visibilities and control titles from Field Overrides were not incorporated into setting up task summary.
The fields visible on the Task Summary page match the fields visible when editing a task.
139163 - Bug: Request New Service turns on "Add New Trouble Ticket" and shouldn't
A bug was occurring when the Request New Service feature on the Customer portal was turned on. This also enabled the Add New Trouble Ticket option on the customer portal as well and shouldn't have. This has been fixed.
139297 - Bug: IE: Task description not wrapping
This fix is apparent when using Internet Explorer and creating a note or adding a description to a task.
In Internet Explorer, word-wrapping did not used to function properly when adding a note or adding a description to a task. Now word wrapping occurs as it should.
138975 - Bug: Task Trouble Tabs duplicating
A bug causing duplicate task type tabs on the customer screen has been fixed. This bug was only observed when task types in the same group had different permission modules.
139178 - Add Products that Use Account Product Class
Account type products can now be associated with tasks.
Database Changes
These are the differences that will be made to your existing database when upgrading to version 38.00.
TBS Database
The following fields will be dropped:
- T4CompanyMaster.PostMarkUserId
- T4CompanyMaster.PostMarkPassword
- TasksAux_Tests.TestType
- TasksAux_Tests.ShortResult
The following fields will be altered:
- -- Agents.AgentID CharacterMaximumLength (10 -> 20)
- -- AgentsTransactionsView.AgentID CharacterMaximumLength (10 -> 20)
- -- AgentsView.AgentDisplayID DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (32 -> 20), IsNullable (False -> True)
- -- CustomersToAgentsView.AgentDisplayID DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (32 -> 20), IsNullable (False -> True)
- -- Notes.Note DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (7800 -> -1)
- -- NotesView.Note DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (7800 -> -1)
- -- Tasks.Description DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (4000 -> -1)
- -- Tasks.Resolution DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (4000 -> -1)
- -- TasksAux_Tests.Destination IsNullable (True -> False)
- -- TasksView.Description DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (4000 -> -1)
- -- TasksView.Resolution DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (4000 -> -1)
- -- TasksView.agentDisplayID DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (32 -> 20)
- -- UserNotificationsView.NotificationMessage DataType (varchar -> nvarchar), CharacterMaximumLength (7800 -> -1)
The following tables will be added:
The following fields will be added:
- AgentsTransactionsView.AgentsKey
- AgentsTransactionsView.CommissionsDefinitionKey
- AgentsView.AgentID
- CommissionsDefinition.CommissionsSpreadsheetsApprovalUsersKey
- CommissionsDefinition.CommissionsQAReportsApprovalUsersKey
- CommissionsDefinition.FinalApprovalUsersKey
- CommissionsPlansView.CommissionsPlansKey
- CommissionsPlansView.CommissionsMethodsKey
- CommissionsPlansView.Name
- CommissionsPlansView.CommissionsMethodsName
- CustomersToAgents.CustomersToAgentsKey
- CustomersToAgentsView.CustomersToAgentsKey
- CustomersToAgentsView.AgentID
- CustomersToAgentsView.AgentCompany
- CustomersToAgentsView.AgentLevel
- DataIssues.CommissionsPlansKey
- DataIssuesView.CommissionsPlansName
- NotesView.ServiceItemsKey
- NotesView.IssueItemsKey
- ProductCombinedView.lkCarriersKey
- Products.lkCarriersKey
- ProductsView.CarrierOfRecordLkCarriersKey
- ProductsView.CarrierOfRecord
- T4CompanyMaster.EmailIntegration_NoteAddress
- T4CompanyMaster.EmailIntegration_FailureBCCAddress
- TasksAux_Tests.TestTypeDropDownGroupItemsKey
- TasksAux_Tests.ShortResultDropDownGroupItemsKey
- TasksAux_Troubles.ISP
- TasksAux_Troubles.RouterType
- TaskTypes.EmailIntegration_NewTaskAddress